Name: Angel Morningstar | Age: Unknown | Species: Demon Succubus | Art Tag: TBA | Fans Names: Little Humans

Angel Morningstar

Hello little human, my name is Angel Morningstar, and I am a demon succubus that’s waiting to be freed from hell. Will you be the one to free me?

Trapped in a domain within the circle of lust, she can only be summoned via a certain book that is taken to the mortal realm by her snake familiar (Eve). She is the daughter of Lucifer and an angel and was banished from heaven to hell due to this union. However, Angel is allowed to roam the mortal realm until they are banished. Angel and Lucifer had an argument, which led to her banishment to the mortal realm. Angel was badly injured upon being banished and was found by Adam, a mortal who can see supernatural beings. He took care of her until she healed. Calling her Eve, not knowing what to call her, Angel was not very friendly to Adam and took some time to warm up to him. Surprisingly, Adam was immune to her charms. Through Adam, Angel met Althemia and they became sort of friends. One night while Angel was out feeding, a group of townspeople went to Adam's house and demanded that Angel be brought before them so they could kill her. Adam tried to protect her and said that she wasn't a witch. The townspeople attempted to lynch him, but Althemia tried to warn Angel. Unfortunately, Angel ignored her as Demons and Ghosts don't get along very well. After feeding, Angel went to find Adam and discovered him burning at the stake. She lost control of her powers and killed everyone using hellfire. This broke a treaty set between heaven and hell, which stated that no powers may be used on mortals. As a result, Angel was sentenced to a domain in hell guarded by Cerberus and can only be freed under certain circumstances.